Blog 6 – My View of Lockdown

What’s your view of Lockdown? My view of it is, quite hard. We did not expect it but we’re in it and doing it.

When Lockdown started first, in March, it was pretty strict. We weren’t allowed to go out, go shopping or meet our friends. The schools were shut down too. How did you feel? How did you feel about not being able to meet up with friends or go on holiday? I felt annoyed because I felt as if I was trapped in a cage. It was not very nice, I expect. You wanted to go out. Month after month after month, the rules went on. And then it was June.

In June the Lockdown was less tight about things. This was a relief for me and I think it was for you too. Even though we had to keep at least 2 meters (which is not always quite easy) we were able to go to the park and meet up with at least 6 people. I started to go to my local park and sing with my family to make people happy and to make their spirits up. I started to do litter picking too. What did you do to help your environment? I think our environment is very important. I think this because, Lockdown might have made us feel very down but for some people, when they looked at all the beautiful things it has makes them feel happy. A happy and healthy and environment means happy and healthy people.

When it was July and August the lockdown was much more eased than it was in the start of the year. Children were getting ready to go to school and adults going back to work and the shops started to open again and you didn’t have to stand in lines too long to get in either. We were getting nearer to be back to normal, but the rules still applied. We need to social distance, wear a face covering and keep washing our hands. But it’s not as harsh as it was when the pandemic first broke out.

Step by step, the Lockdown became easier and easier, and will become easier and easier. Hopefully everything will go back to normal soon. Then we can be thankful and happy that we have all been able to get through it all.

Picture of Light Hall School

Light Hall School

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