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Blog 8 – Recycling

If you care about saving innocent animals and keeping our environment safe this is the BLOG for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyday the animals everywhere are becoming in more danger as we speak because of how we are treating the environment. More than 10,000 plastic bottles and trash are being dumped into rivers and oceans. This is killing our environment and animals are eating the plastics which lead to them dying. Everyday it has grown to be 4.51 pounds of garbage per day! Because the garbage is ending up in oceans the fishes are getting caught in nets as well as turtles and other sea animals which leave them to have cuts and bruises on them. When seagulls are out looking for food they suffocate themselves by being caught in the garbage or eating it and getting stuck in the throats. What can you do to resolve this problem?

These are some of the causes for not recycling and what it is doing to our environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are released from rubbish. Recycling helps us to reduce the pollution caused by waste. Not recycling is a process of our resources but it also destroys the natural habitats of other creatures.

Recycling is so important because it’s processing raw materials which creates water pollution. As recycling saves energy it also reduces greenhouse gases which helps the climate change.

It is an estimate around 2.7 billion wild innocent fish are being killed per day!!!!This is bad for us and the environment!

If this message goes around we don’t have to worry about anything anymore. Everyone will be happy the animals and sea creatures will be happy. We will get clean oceans and rivers and have a safe and clean environment to live in. All of the sea creatures will swim in peace and won’t have to go through trouble.

So please take the time to read this blog about recycling and maybe you can make a difference.

This is what we’re doing to our environment because we are not recycling. We are killing this earth and if we don’t stop now this is going to be a huge problem.

This is what the oceans will look like if we recycled. There will be clean waters and the sea creature will have a nice place to live and swim.

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Light Hall School

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