What your day at Sixth Form will look like
Sixth Formers will follow the same timetable as the rest of the school. They will have 5 sessions a day, consisting of a combination of teacher-led subject lessons, independent study, enrichment activities and academic studies lessons.
Year 12 students are expected to be in school for the whole day (08.40-15.00). Year 13 students are expected to be in school periods 1-4 but may have the privilege to leave at lunch time (13.25) on a day where they have independent study period 5.
Sixth formers have a designated cafe in the common room for lunch break and have sole access to the common room and Sixth Form outside area.
The school day ends at 3pm but students may choose to make the most of after school extra-curricular activities.
Programme of Study
3 A-Levels
Suitable for those students who wish to concentrate on three chosen subjects whilst retaining some breadth in their studies. In addition to the three chosen A-Levels, this route may be combined with an EPQ as appropriate.
4 A-Levels
Possibly suitable for the most-able students and those preparing to apply for university courses with specific requirements. The fourth A-Level will usually be A-Level Further Maths or A-Level Chinese. This route may be combined with an EPQ as appropriate.
EPQ & Academic Studies
What is an EPQ?
What is academic studies?
- All Year 12 students will take part in the academic studies programme that will support them in the challenge of A-Levels and instill them with skills they will need at University and in the workplace.
- Delivered by our teachers, students will cover topics including: academic writing, research, evaluating the validity and authenticity of results, creating a bibliography, studying and presenting.
How will it help me?
- A-level courses are more demanding than GCSEs in terms of more content, knowledge and the skills required – the academic studies programme and the EPQ equips students with the skills required to succeed in their A-Levels and beyond.
- Previous A-Level students have found that researching and writing their EPQ has helped them discover a topic they’re really passionate about and helps guide them when deciding what they want to do after Sixth Form.
- The EPQ shows universities you have the skills required to study at degree level and be successful in assignments.
Alongside our academic offer, we will be running a comprehensive enrichment programme, where students choose an activity to complete in their timetabled sessions. Some activities include:
- University events, trips, visits, interviews and work experience
- Sporting activities
- Outdoor education – working towards Duke of Edinburgh Awards
- Mentoring younger students
- Young Enterprise – student entrepreneurs running their own business
- Volunteering
- Student Leadership
- Optional workshops throughout the year
Why do we offer Enrichment Activities?
Enrichment activities will enhance the students’ curriculum vitae and university applications, but it also boosts each students ability to thrive by improving their confidence and skills that are transferable to the working world. It is easy for students to become overwhelmed by their academic studies, taking time to focus on other, non-academic, skills contributes to becoming a well-rounded individual.
Contact Us
For any specific subject queries, then please contact the relevant Subject Lead. Details can be found in the A Level Subjects section here.
For any other Sixth Form queries, please feel free to contact our Sixth Form team via email sixthform@lighthall.co.uk or by phone on 0121 744 3835 (Main).