
Light Hall School is an inclusive mainstream secondary school which welcomes pupils with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

The Inclusion Department consists of a SENDCO and 8 LSA’s. We are fortunate to have expertise in dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Conditions and Physical Disabilities on the team. Many of our LSAs have qualifications in Learning Support and, like the teaching staff, receive on-going professional development in SEND.

In September 2022 Light Hall school had 141 students on the SEND register (13% of the school intake).   

  • 123 students were registered as K – school support (11% of the school population, of which 28% of those K students were PPI).   
  • 18 students were in receipt of an EHCP plan with complex needs  (1.6% of the school population, of which 22% of those EHCP students were PPI).

Link to Solihull Local Offer: Local Offer

Click on the questions below to get the answer – for a downloadable version of the schools ‘Light Hall School Offer’ please click on the pdf link at the bottom of the page titled, The Light Hall School Offer”



Mrs E Yu:   eyu@lighthall.co.uk

Assistant SENDCO:

Ms H Ali:   hali@lighthall.co.uk

We also have a dedicated SEND email.   These emails go directly to Mrs Yu or Ms Ali.  


We aim to answer all emails within 48 hours, however if your concern is urgent please call our reception team on 0121 744 3835.

ClassCharts & TEAMS

ClassCharts is the school’s main method of communication.  This includes the setting of homework, behaviour, attendance, and messages/notifications home.

If you require a login please contact reception who will be happy to help you office@lighthall.co.uk

A useful guide can be found here

Microsoft TEAMS holds our remote curriculum.  This can be useful to access if your child is ill. 

If your child forgets their  require a login please contact reception who will be happy to help you office@lighthall.co.uk

A useful guide/tutorial can be found here

Solihull Parent Carer Voice

We are working closely with Solihull Parent Carer Voice (SPCV) on a pilot scheme to raise Autism awareness in schools.   We hold regular coffee mornings.   To get in touch with SPCV please follow the link here

Primary school information is a key source for us in identifying new pupils with learning needs. At the start of year 7 all pupils have their reading and spelling assessed so we can establish who might need additional support to help them catch up. In addition, we have a referral process whereby staff can raise students who they believe may have additional learning needs.

We have an extremely successful and thorough transition programme to ensure that the correct support is put in place for students joining us in year 7. The SENDCO has a dedicated transition date where our feeder school primary SENDCOs are invited to inform us of students intending to transfer. We exchange verbal and written information which is then shared with all Light Hall staff on the first day of the new academic year. In addition, the SENDCOs attend transition reviews for Year 6 students wherever possible.

For our most vulnerable students we operate an extended transition programme coordinated by our LSAs. This involves Year 6 students visiting Light Hall School for an extra morning and experiencing “taster sessions” in some subjects.

We share our information with post 16 providers so that we can ensure our students get the best possible start to their college education.

All pupils receive written reports once a year, however staff formally log attainment at regular intervals throughout the year on each pupil’s record. Parents receive a termly breakdown of their child’s achievement and a half termly breakdown of English, Maths and Science progress. If you have concerns about your child’s progress in a particular curriculum area, it is advisable to contact the subject teacher or the Head of Faculty. However, if you have more holistic concerns, you may wish to contact the Inclusion Department for advice.

Pupils who have an EHCP will have a review annually and at that point feedback from individual subject areas is shared with parents. Similarly, pupils with identified needs are also given the opportunity of an annual progress review. This usually takes place at parents’ evening.

At secondary school, face to face contact with the SENDCO is likely to be less frequent than that experienced in primary school, however the Inclusion Department staff are easily contactable by telephone on 0121 746 5075. Please be aware our SENDCO has classroom commitments and cannot always respond immediately to messages. However, they will endeavour to call you back as promptly as possible.

Where a pupils needs are more medically-based, the school First Aider will coordinate support and, where necessary, information will be shared with relevant staff. To contact the school First Aider please telephone the main school number which is 0121 744 3835. Our named school First Aider is Sharon Melvin.

In line with the Code of Practice (2015) we operate a graduated response to a young person’s needs. Additional support and intervention is provided on the basis of a pupil’s needs and the resources available at the time. Where anything over and above the normal school curriculum is proposed (i.e. those detailed in the table below), parents/carers are contacted either by letter or telephone to advise them of the nature of the intervention, how long it is intended to last, when it will take place and who with. We would usually request that a reply slip be returned to our office to confirm receipt of the letter and to either accept (or decline) the offer of support, however in cases where the reply slip fails to make its way back to us, permission is assumed and the pupil will be expected to participate.

Outlined below is the support that we can offer in general to students at Light Hall School who have SEND:

• Quality first teaching including differentiation, as appropriate.
• Staff with knowledge of each pupil’s needs, as detailed in Pupil Profiles (where appropriate).
• Reasonable adjustments, as necessary.
• Smaller classes in lower sets, where subjects are ability grouped.
• Carefully selected vocational and alternatively accredited courses in KS4.
• Lunchtime provision, including daily homework clubs, board game clubs, art clubs etc.
• After school homework club in the Learning Support Department (Mon-Fri).
• Daily Homework Club in the Learning Resource Centre before and after school and at break times.
• Access arrangements for examinations, as appropriate.
• Support for year 8 pupils when making choices about their ‘option’ subjects and for KS4 pupils about post-16 courses.
• In-class support primarily linked to students with EHCPs where appropriate and available.
• Opportunities to contribute to the development of the department through pupil interviews and questionnaires.

In addition we offer a variety of specialist interventions to help support students whose difficulties are more persistent. We utilise a wide variety of external agencies to help support our vulnerable students, some of which feature below.

Those with SEN identified as requiring a moderate level of supportThose with SEN identified as requiring an intensive level of support
Cognitive and Learning needs including Moderate Learning Difficulties & DyslexiaToe by toe literacy programme NESSY computerised literacy programmes.
Word wasp spelling programme
Tutoring by specialist literacy teachers from Solihull Inclusion Support Services
Speech, Language and Communication NeedsSmall group sessions with the specialist teachers from Solihull Inclusion Support Service1:1 sessions with specialist teachers from Solihull Inclusion Support Service
Social Communication Difficulties (including Austism Spectrum Disorders)Lunch clubs specifically for pupils with social difficulties
Visual timetables and prompts if necessary.
Monitoring of progress by the school’s specialist ASC teacher.
Support from SISS
Referral to the Specialist Assessment Service (formally the Meadows Centre)
Physical Difficulties and Sensory ImpairmentsN/AMonitoring by/advice and input from SISS Physical Disability/Sensory Impairment team
Emotional, Social and Behaviour DifficultiesSupport from the school’s pastoral managers 
Monitoring report cards
Support and advice from SISS SEMH team
1:1 mentoring with LSAs/Counsellors
Support from other agencies eg Education Welfare and Family Liaison Officer, SOLAR or Forward Thinking

The majority of our buildings are fully accessible to students with physical disabilities. However our oldest building is not accessible above the ground floor. In these circumstances we make reasonable adjustments by re-rooming classes to more suitable accommodation. We have an fully accessible toilet in our Aristole building. We operate evac-chairs in emergency evacuations and many staff are trained to support if necessary.

We are an inclusive school. We offer a wide variety of lunchtime and after school clubs and SEND students are welcome at all extra-curricular clubs. SEND students are able to attend school trips and residentials and we are prepared to make reasonable adjustments to make this  happen. Trip organisers complete risk assessments to ensure that students are safe and that their needs are met. Teachers will liaise with parents if there are issues potentially affecting participation.

We pride ourselves on the positive relationships we have with our SEND students. They actively participate in the review process. We operate an open door policy and are available before and after school and at breaktimes to talk with students. They are also asked to contribute to anonymous student surveys so that we can get detailed and honest feedback on our performance

As it states in the Code of Practice (2015) “all teachers are teachers of SEND”. Therefore we are committed to ensuring that staff have the right skills to deal with the variety of special needs and disabilities we have at Light Hall School. Training opportunities are arranged periodically throughout the school year. We have dedicated time on whole school INSET days as well as continued professional development slots throughout the year. We offer training on ADHD,  Dyslexia, ASC and Visual and Hearing Impairment. On a day to day basis we provide staff with Pupil Profiles for students with identified needs. These provide a pen portrait of the students alongside strategies and good practice advice to support students in the classroom.

All interventions are thoroughly evaluated so that we can see the impact they have had. We regularly monitor the progress of SEND students make using the whole school tracking system. If a SEND student is not making reasonable progress, we will intervene using a graduated approach advocated by the Code of Practice (2015). This may be by offering additional strategies to subject teachers or to remedy more entrenched difficulties, deploying additional resources such as assistive technology or individual teaching programmes.

We would hope that our actions would never give rise to the need to complain. However, if you are dissatisfied with our work, we would first expect you to make contact with the SENDCO in the Inclusion Department. There is also a school complaints procedure available on request should the issue not be resolved to your satisfaction

Report A Concern

Please detail briefly the concern you have and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

All information provided will be treated confidentially.