“We read to know we are not alone” – CS Lewis.
Central to the study of English at Light Hall is an emphasis on reading for pleasure and for enlightenment. The best way to become a good communicator and to acquire the skills needed for the modern workplace is to read widely, think deeply, and write in a range of styles for different purposes and audiences. Throughout years 7 to 11, pupils will study a range of literature and non-fiction and be expected to develop extended writing in response to what they have read. There will be tight focus on accuracy and clear communication, as well as independent reading and study across a range of homework tasks. Pupils will be expected to read at least one whole novel independently at home from a recommended reading list each half term.
“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers” – Harry S Truman.
The Details
Ms C Dickinson
Ms G Allsopp
Mrs K Mohomed
Ms E Davies
Ms Long
Ms S McCann
Ms S Tolley
Mr S Wainwright
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