Exam Notices

Welcome to our Exam Notices page. Here, you’ll find important information and updates regarding upcoming exams, including timetables, key dates, and any relevant instructions for students and parents. Please check this page regularly to stay informed about everything you need to know for a smooth exam experience. If you have any questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Key terms used in Examination questions

Account for: Explain the process or reason for something being the way it is –  Explore the main ideas

Calculate: Find out by using mathematics 

Complete: Finish off 

Contrast: Show the differences (‘compare and contrast’ questions are very common in exams – they want you to say how something is similar and how it may be different too). 

Describe: Give a detailed account 

Discuss: Explore the subject by looking at its advantages and disadvantages (i.e. pros and cons, for and against).  Attempt to come to some sort of judgement 

Enumerate: Make a list of the point under discussion 

Examine: Look at something closely 

Explore: Look at something closely or investigate 

Evaluate: Give an opinion by exploring the good and bad points (pros and cons).   It’s a bit like asking you to assess something.  Attempt to support your argument with expert opinion. 

Identify: Recognise, prove something as being certain. 

Indicate: Point out, make something known 

Justify: Give good reasons for offering an opinion or reaching a conclusion 

Outline: Concentrate on the main bits of the topic or item. 

Summarise: Give the main points of an idea or argument.  Leave out unnecessary details which could cloud the issue.