Subject Overview

All students at Light Hall study PSHEC – personal, social, health, economic and citizenship education – from Year 7 up until Year 11.

Complementing the academic curriculum, students will learn about what it means to be both a global citizen and a member of modern Britain through our citizenship modules. Students will understand the importance and value of democracy and its place in our history, as well as explore human rights, the laws of the land and the responsibilities we all have in society.

Using the PSHE Jigsaw modules alongside many of our fellow schools in Solihull, students will learn about personal identify, collective responsibility, and will learn to navigate the online world as well as the real world in terms of relationships, personal growth and the challenges young people face in society, and how to overcome them. It is through these modules that we deliver the statutory relationships and sex education, which is targeted in an age specific way.

We work with a number of external agencies to deliver our provision and seek to emulate the rigour and knowledge based curriculum of other subjects whilst enabling our students to have a safe space to discuss, debate and ask difficult personal questions and explore their views and beliefs.

Mrs Mohomed is the PSHEC Subject Leader.  However, all teachers at Light Hall will have the opportunity of delivering PSHEC lessons to our students.

The Details

Curriculum Subjects

Child Development
ICT, Computing & iMedia
Modern Foreign Languages